Sesión número 118 del Seminario Iberoamericano de Matemáticas (SIM118)
Lugar: Casas del Tratado en Tordesillas, sede del Centro Tordesillas de Relaciones con Iberoamérica y Portugal.
Fecha: Miércoles 11 de enero de 2023.
Para unirse via Teams:
PROGRAMA (hora GMT+1):
16:30-17:30 María Pe Pereira (Universidad Complutense de Madrid):
Topología Algebraica Moderadamente Discontinua - Moderately Discontinuous AlgebraicTopology.
We have developed this new tool, the Moderately Discontinuous Homology and Homotopy, a new version of the algebraic topology, to codify part of the metric and dynamical information in a degenerating family of metric (sub)-analytic spaces.
The baby case, on which I will focus the talk, is the family given by the links at distance
of a singular analytic germ when
goes to 0. Some general interesting question is what amount of the Lispchitz or analytic type of the singular germ can be recovered from these new invariants.
Topología Algebraica Moderadamente Discontinua - Moderately Discontinuous AlgebraicTopology.
We have developed this new tool, the Moderately Discontinuous Homology and Homotopy, a new version of the algebraic topology, to codify part of the metric and dynamical information in a degenerating family of metric (sub)-analytic spaces.
The baby case, on which I will focus the talk, is the family given by the links at distance
17:30-18:00 Café
18:00-19:00 Alberto Fernández Boix( Universidad de Valladolid-IMUVA):
On the infinitely generated locus of Frobenius algebras of rings of prime characteristic.