Mauricio Corrêa Jr (UFMG)
Lunes 16 las 13:00 horas en la
sala A 125. Facultad de Ciencias de Valladolid
Título: On the Singular Scheme of Split Foliations
Abstract. We prove that the tangent sheaf of a codimension one locally free distribution splits as a sum of line bundles if and only if its singular scheme is arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay. In addition, we show that a foliation by curves is given by an intersection of generically transversal holomorphic distributions of codimension one if and only if its singular scheme is arithmetically Buchsbaum. Finally, we establish that these foliations are determined by their singular schemes, and deduce that the Hilbert scheme of certain arithmetically Buchsbaum schemes of codimension 2 is birational to a Grassmannian.